
(The English version is below.)

1. 当社の保有するお客様の個人情報


2. 開示対象個人情報の利用目的

  1. 当社は、ご旅行の申込みの際に提出された申込書に記載された個人情報について、お客様との連絡のために利用させていただくほか、お客様がお申し込みいただいた旅行において、運送・宿泊機関、視察見学先などが提供するサービスの手配およびそれらのサービス受領のための手続きに必要な範囲内で利用させていただきます。
  2. 当社は、当社が販売、提供している各種商品・サービスのご案内・提供、ご契約の維持管理にお客様の個人情報を利用させていただきます。
  3. 当社は、お客様ごとに必要な情報や興味のある情報をご提供するために、お客様の個人情報を利用させていただきます。
  4. 当社は、よりよいサービス提供のために、お客様がどのようなサービスにどの程度興味をもたれているかなどの、ご利用動向分析を行うことがあります。そのために、お預かりした個人情報を統計的に分析したり、当社ウェブサイトへのアクセスログによる情報の収集・活用をする場合があります。
  5. 当社は、(a)当社および当社の提携する企業の商品やサービス、キャンペーンのご案内(b)旅行参加後のご意見やご感想の提供のお願い(c)アンケートのお願い(d)特典サービスの提供(e)統計資料の作成、にお客様の個人情報を利用させていただくことがあります。
  6. その他、当社は上記の目的以外でお客様の個人情報を取得させていただく場合があります。その際は、別途利用目的を明示いたします。
  7. 当社は、資料請求やお問い合わせを頂いた方への対応、サービスに関するご案内にお客様の個人情報を利用させていただくことがあります。

3. 個人情報の第三者への提供

  1. 当社は、お申込いただいた旅行サービスの手配およびそれらの受領のため、また旅行に関するご意見・苦情などに対応させていただくための手続に必要な範囲内で、訪問先各国の法令による指定に従い、運送・宿泊機関、視察見学先または当社の委託する手配代行者に対し、お客様の氏名、性別、年齢、住所、電話番号、パスポート番号等の個人情報を電子的方法などで送付することにより提供する場合があります。
  2. 当社は、旅行先でのお客様のお買い物等の便宜のため、当社の保有するお客様の個人データを土産物店に提供することがあります。この場合、お客様の氏名、パスポート番号及び搭乗される航空便名等に係る個人データを、予め電磁的方法等で送付することによって提供いたします。
  3. 当社は、旅行中に疾病・事故等があった場合に備え、お客様の旅行中の連絡先の方の個人情報をお伺いすることがあります。この個人情報は、お客様に疾病等があった場合に連絡先の方へ連絡の必要があると当社が認めた場合に使用させていただきます。お客様は、連絡先の方の個人情報を当社らに提供することについて連絡先の方の同意を得るものとします。

4. 個人情報の収集・利用について


  1. 収集目的、利用範囲をパンフレット、お申込書、当社ウェブサイトに明示し、同意を得ます。
  2. お客様の同意がない限り、収集目的以外に使用いたしません。
  3. 預託、第三者提供する場合は、予めその旨をお知らせし、同意を得ます。
  4. お客様が未成年者の場合、親権者の同意を得ます。
  5. 収集する個人情報の内容
    • 氏名
    • 生年月日
    • 性別
    • 住所/郵便番号
    • 電話番号
    • メールアドレス
    • その他利用交通機関及び渡航に関連する国の官公庁が指定する手続きに必要な情報。
    • その他、利用目的の範囲内で、書面、口頭または当社WEB画面にご入力いただいた個人情報
  6. 当社がお客様から個人情報をお預かりする場面
    • 当社が企画実施するパッケージツアーおよびその付帯サービスにお申込みの時。
    • 当社がご提供する各種サービスにお申込みの時。
    • 当社がご紹介する提携、協力企業の各種サービスにお申込みの時。
    • 当社が企画する各種説明会、講演会など各種イベントにお申込みの時。
    • 当社が募集するアンケートやキャンペーンなどの応募の時。

5. 個人情報取扱の委託


6. 個人情報の開示等請求


7. 個人情報を提供されることの任意性について

お客様が当社に個人情報を提供されるかどうかは、お客様の任意によるものです。 ただし、必要な情報をいただけない場合、各サービス等が適切な状態で提供出来ない場合がございます。

8. 匿名加工情報の取り扱い




  1. 特定の個人を識別できる記述を削除すること
  2. 個人識別符号を削除すること
  3. 情報を相互に連結する符号を削除すること
  4. 特異な記述等を削除すること
  5. その他個人情報データベース等の性質を踏まえた適切な措置を講じること


  1. お客様の個人属性情報 【代表者の性別、生年】
  2. 当社ご利用情報 【お申込み日(年月日)、ご利用店舗(都道府県、市区町村、種別)、ご旅行情報(出発日・帰着日・方面・宿泊施設(名称・種別)・ご利用人数(大人男女・子供別)・商品グレード・商品種別・商品形態・旅行目的・参加形態・ご旅行代金)



  1. 上記(2)の(1)(2)の項目
  2. 提供先に対し、当該データが匿名加工情報であることを伝え、識別行為等の不適正な取扱いをすることがないよう契約を定めたうえで提供します。
  3. データファイルを暗号化するなどセキュリティが確保された手段で電磁的方法等で送付することにより提供します。


  1. 加工方法等情報を取り扱う者の権限及び責任を明確にします。
  2. 加工方法等情報の取扱いに関する規程類を整備し、取り扱う従業員に対し教育と監督を行ないます。

9. Cookieについて



10. 個人情報が漏洩した場合の対応



Handling of Personal Information

1. Customers’ personal information held by the company

The Company retains as personal data a portion of the personal information provided by customers to the Company when they apply for travel.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure

We will use the personal information provided on the application form submitted by the customer at the time of application for the tour to the extent necessary to contact the customer, to arrange services provided by the transportation, accommodation, and tour sites, and to receive such services. The Company will use such information to the extent necessary to arrange for and receive the services provided by the transportation, accommodation, sightseeing tour, etc., for the trip applied for by the customer.

  1. We will use your personal information to guide and provide you with various products and services that we sell and provide, and to maintain and manage your contract with us.
  2. We will use your personal information to provide you with information that is necessary or of interest to you on a customer-by-customer basis.
  3. In order to provide better service, we may analyze customer usage trends, such as what services customers are interested in and to what extent. For this purpose, we may statistically analyze the personal information we receive and collect and utilize information from access logs to our website.
  4. We may use your personal information for the following purposes: (a) to introduce you to the products, services, and campaigns of our company and our affiliated companies; (b) to ask you to provide us with your opinions and feedback after participating in a trip; (c) to ask you to complete questionnaires; (d) to provide special services; and (e) to prepare statistical data.
  5. In addition, we may acquire your personal information for purposes other than those listed above. In such cases, the purpose of use will be clearly indicated separately.
  6. We may use your personal information to respond to your requests for information materials or inquiries, or to provide you with information about our services.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  1. To the extent necessary to arrange for and receive the travel services you have requested, and to respond to your comments and complaints about the tour, we will provide your name, gender, age, address, telephone number, and other personal information to transportation and lodging agencies, tour sites, or our outsourced agents, as designated by the laws of the countries we visit, in accordance with the laws of the destination country. We may provide personal information such as your name, gender, age, address, telephone number, passport number, etc., to transportation and accommodation agencies, sightseeing tour operators, or agents entrusted by us, by sending such information by electronic means, etc.
  2. We may provide your personal data to souvenir stores for your shopping convenience at the destination. In this case, we will provide personal data pertaining to the customer’s name, passport number, flight number, etc. by sending such data by electromagnetic means, etc. in advance.
  3. In case of illness or accident during the trip, we may ask for the personal information of your contact person during the trip. This personal information will be used when the Company deems it necessary to contact the contact person in case of illness, etc. of the customer. The customer shall obtain the consent of the contact person to provide the contact person’s personal information to us.

4. Collection and Use of Personal Information

Please be advised that we collect and use your personal information in the following manner.

  1. We will clearly state the purpose of collection and the scope of use in our brochures, application forms, and on our website, and obtain your consent.
  2. We will not use the information for any purpose other than that for which it was collected without the consent of the customer.
  3. In the event that the information is to be entrusted or provided to a third party, we will notify the customer to that effect and obtain consent in advance.
  4. If the customer is a minor, we will obtain the consent of a person with parental authority.
  5. Personal information to be collected
    • Full name
    • Date of birth
    • Gender
    • Address/Zip Code
    • Telephone number
    • E-mail address
    • Other information necessary for procedures designated by government agencies of the country related to the transportation used and travel.
    • Other personal information entered in writing, orally, or on our web screen within the scope of the purpose of use.
  1. Situations in which we collect personal information from our customers
    • When a customer applies for a package tour planned and conducted by the Company and its supplementary services.
    • When you apply for various services provided by the Company.
    • When applying for various services provided by partner and cooperating companies introduced by the Company.
    • When applying for various events such as information sessions and lectures planned by the Company.
    • When applying for questionnaires, campaigns, etc. offered by the Company.

5. Outsourcing the handling of personal information

In order to provide better services to our customers, we outsource a part of our business operations to outside contractors. We may entrust personal information to these subcontractors. In this case, we will select a subcontractor that is deemed to handle personal information appropriately, and will require the subcontractor to implement appropriate management of personal information by stipulating in contracts and other agreements the matters necessary to prevent leakage of customers’ personal information through appropriate management, confidentiality, and other measures.

6. Request for Disclosure of Personal Information

You have the right to request that we notify you of the purpose of use of your personal information, disclose it, correct, add or delete its contents, stop its use, erase it, or stop providing it to a third party.

7. Voluntary nature of providing personal information

Whether or not you provide us with your personal information is at your discretion. However, if you do not provide us with the necessary information, we may not be able to provide you with the appropriate services.

8. Handling of Anonymous Processed Information

With respect to the customer personal information described in 2. above, we will create and provide anonymized processed information to third parties to the extent permitted by law, as described below, after taking appropriate protective measures to ensure that specific individuals cannot be identified and that the personal information of individuals used for creation cannot be recovered.

(1) Method of Creating Anonymous Processed Information

When creating anonymized processed information, we will appropriately process it in accordance with the standards set forth in the Personal Information Protection Law and the Rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and in accordance with the following

  1. Deletion of descriptions that can identify specific individuals
  2. Deletion of personal identification codes
  3. Deletion of codes that interconnect information
  4. Deletion of specific descriptions, etc.
  5. Taking other appropriate measures based on the nature of the personal information database, etc.

(2) Method of Creating Anonymous Processed Information

  1. Customer’s personal attribute information [gender and year of birth of representative]
  2. Information on our company’s use [date of application (date), store of use (prefecture, city, town, and type), travel information (departure date, return date, direction, accommodation (name and type), number of passengers (by adult, gender, and child), product grade, product type, product form, trip purpose, participation form, and trip price)

(3) Method of Creating Anonymous Processed Information

The items of information about individuals included in the anonymized processed information that we create and provide to third parties and the method of providing such information are as follows

  1. Items (1) and (2) in (2) above
  2. We will inform the recipient of the data that it is anonymized processed information, and provide it to the recipient after stipulating an agreement to prevent inappropriate handling such as identification.
  3. The data will be provided by sending the data by electromagnetic means, etc. by means of encryption or other secure means.

(4) Method of Creating Anonymous Processed Information

  1. The authority and responsibilities of those who handle the information, including the processing method, will be clarified.
  2. Rules and regulations regarding the handling of anonymous information shall be established, and employees handling such information shall be trained and supervised.


A cookie is a file that is sent and stored on your terminal from a website when you visit the website, and is used to identify your activity history on the website. You can set your Internet browser software to refuse cookies at any time.

We use the information collected through cookies to improve our services and website, to ensure security, to obtain statistical data, and to deliver appropriate advertisements to you. The information collected through cookies is log-in information and customer activity history within the site, and does not include any personal information such as e-mail addresses or names.

10.Response in the event of leakage of personal information

We take all possible measures to manage personal information, but in the unlikely event of a leakage of personal information, we will immediately notify the customer concerned. In the event that the cause of the problem is caused by our information systems, such as computers and networks, we will temporarily shut down our systems until security is ensured. In addition, we will promptly announce the facts on our website.